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Business Coach & Fractional Operations 

Coaching helped to better communicate the company’s purpose and how our technical or commercial roadmap ties into the problem we are solving for our customers. All of a sudden, there was a queue of investors wanting to come on board!

COO & Co-Founder, Polar Light Technologies

Working with businesses and entrepreneurs to ignite and operationalize growth by transposing and reimagining problems and opportunities.

bricolage: the skill of creating something novel by recombining and applying a diverse range of available resources to new problems and opportunities


grow: to increase in value or to become larger, more developed, better or improved in some way

Do you have your sights set on growth, yet find it difficult getting there?

We can provide expertise to guide, challenge, and collaborate with you

- getting to the root of roadblocks
- asking pivotal questions & facing tough decisions
- off-loading operations & providing accountability
- crystalizing strategy for new value creation
- building sustainable differentiation
- strategic PnL modeling & investment readiness
- operational capability to 
scale your business


Grow Beyond
What You
Imagine Possible

Working with Ann Marie has allowed me to transform from a worker bee into a true leader. She is deeply embedded in Silicon Valley, and has led large and small organizations through technology booms and busts. Her experiences from the trenches are valuable, and even more valuable is the way she is able to provide business guidance. She has a way of asking just the right questions to guide your thinking so that it can be put into action, yielding results that matter to you. She can then help you communicate the core vision to literally anyone. With Ann Marie in my corner I know I can grow and succeed as a businesswoman in AI."

Dr. Ellen Campana, Founder & CEO, Just the AI

Blue Surface

Do you have a unique challenge needing a customized approach?
Can your business benefit by of-loading the CEO/Founders with fractional expert Operations Leadership?
Do you need a specific strategy developed, or assistance in a transformational business change?
Can a deeper engagement to define plans & roadmaps, operationalize, or coach leaders help grow your business?

Compass Pointing North

Craft & ALIGn

Blurred Motion

Fractional Operations Leader

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